FORMER PROSECUTOR with over 20 plus years of experience. Luigi has handled thousands of domestic violence cases as both a NYS Prosecutor and as a criminal defense attorney. Domestic Violence (DV) cases are extremely nuanced and require an intimate knowledge of the relevant issues. Often, these cases are fueled by overzealous prosecutors and emotional complaining witnesses. In addition, Judges can often be very harsh towards those charged with such crimes because they become hardened by the nature of such cases.
Luigi has had tons of DV cases dismissed. In many instances, we immediately bring on an investigator to assist in our own investigation of the complaining witness. In many instances, we can poke holes in the government’s case and show that either the complaining witness is lying or that the government’s case is weaker than what prosecutors initially believed.
Clients should feel confident that while plea bargaining of a case is always the first strategy to resolve a matter, if clients wish to fight their cases by not pleading guilty, Luigi has the ability, expertise and experience of litigating Domestic Violence Misdemeanor and Felony cases with a high rate of success.