FORMER PROSECUTOR with over 20 plus years of experience. Luigi has handled thousands of drug cases as both a NYS Prosecutor and as a criminal defense attorney. He has handled virtually every kind of drug case imaginable including heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, phencyclidine piperidine (PCP), alprazolam (xanax), ketamine (special K), oxycodone, oxycontin, THC, illegal edibles and many more.
Like every kind of case, drug cases are extremely nuanced and require an intimate knowledge of the relevant issues. An attorney needs to understand how to read drug laboratory tests for one. In addition to that, because drugs are often found during a search and seizure, it is imperative that a lawyer understand the Fourth Amendment search and seizure rules, how pretrial suppression hearings work, how to write and argue motions to suppress and dismiss evidence in case prosecutors will not consent to hearings and how to create a reasonable doubt if cases go to trial.
Luigi has had tons of drug cases dismissed or significantly reduced so that the client does not receive a criminal record. In many instances, drugs can be thrown out because of a bad search that violates a client’s Constitutional rights. In other cases, the facts are such that we can convince prosecutors that their evidence isn’t strong and get a significant reduction so that the client does not end up with a criminal record. Whatever the strategy is, drug cases can have a significant impact on your freedom, career, family life and reputation.
Clients should feel confident that while plea bargaining of a case is always the first strategy to resolve a matter, if clients wish to fight their cases by not pleading guilty, Luigi has the ability, expertise and experience of litigating both Misdemeanor and Felony drug cases with a high rate of success.